
The True Nature of Love.

Greater part of the people in the world today do not yet know what true love is, or even how to express love rightly.

What is now called love is anything but Love! It is just a display of selfishness, deceit, lust and eye service. The true essence of love has been lost among men.

“Love your neighbor as yourself” is a popular word of Jesus of Nazareth, we often use it without knowing what love is or how to show that love to others.To love you neighbor simply mean to do that which is beneficial to him or her, to do that which will add positive value to his or her life regardless of whether it will be pleasurable to the person or not. So many parents think they show love to their children by not spanking them when they do wrong, or by always providing for all what their children ask for even if they are of necessity or not. This is no love, but can be regarded as wickedness because most of the things provided to the children can only but bring harm to them.
Majority of people going to their place of worship to pray, always pray for the downfall and subsequently, the death of their enemies, because they feel that their enemies are responsible for their ill-lucks and failures. They forget the admonition of Christ when He said “love your enemies and pray for those that persecute you”.

Many will ask, how can I love a person that is my enemy, or how can I pray for the success for a person that doesn’t wish me well?
Yes indeed, you must show love to your so called enemies (because nobody is your enemy amongst men but yourself), you only see them as enemies but in the actual sense, they are necessary instruments that come your way to help to further your development here on earth, so you are expected to be grateful to the Almighty for the privilege granted to you to come in contact with them
Whenever you want to pray for those you consider as “enemies”, pray for their repentance and salvation, pray for them to turn a new leaf, but if they refuse to change, you are not in the right position to judge them or condemn them to death, leave that to their Creator to decide, don’t ever help the Creator in performing His duties, He sure knows how to deal with them.

You need to remember that whatsoever you sow, that is exactly what you will reap, with even extra. So if you sow death to someone’s life, then death is not far from you, “for he who lives by the sword, dies by it”.

Inasmuch as you are told not to pray for death upon your enemies, that doesn’t mean you should ignore their wrong doings. Will that be Love? It will only make them to sink further downwards, thereby bringing quilt upon you.

Whenever you find someone doing that which is wrong, correct such a person with the love of the person at heart, it can be through talking, advising, spanking (for little kids), reporting to the relevant government agencies if need be. But never use abusive words, for it may only worsen the case,

I say let Genuine Love now reign amongst us, as husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, neighbors, those in courtship, classmates etc. for it will only make our world to be better, a place where joy, peace, happiness and progress shall abound.

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