
Trump :US President vows better Russia ties, reassures NATO allies

Trump's friendly stance toward Putin, whom France and Germany both accuse of seeking to undermine Western unity, is being scrutinized since he won the US election in November.
US President Donald Trump speaks on the phone with Russia's President Vladimir Putin from the Oval Office of the White House on January 28, 2017

    President Donald Trump vowed Saturday to improve floundering ties with Russia, while also reassuring close US allies he supports NATO.

    Amid growing international alarm over Trump's halt to refugees and travellers from Muslim

    countries, French President Francois Hollande warned of the "economic and political

    consequences" of the American leader's protectionist stance.

    The comments came one day after Trump signed a sweeping executive order to suspend the

    arrival of refugees for at least 120 days and bars visas for travellers from seven Muslim

    majority countries for the next three months.

    Trump's friendly stance toward Putin, whom France and Germany both accuse of seeking to

    undermine Western unity, is being scrutinized since he won the US election in November.

    The White House hailed the call with Putin as a "significant start" to better US-Russia tie

    while the Kremlin said the pair agreed to develop relations "as equals" and to establish "real 

    coordination" against the Islamic State group.
    German Chancellor Angela Merkel (R) and French President Francois Hollande attend a joint press conference prior to talks in the chancellery in Berlin on January 27, 2017

    Trump took office last week with US-Russia relations at new Cold War-level lows amid

     accusations by American intelligence agencies that the Kremlin hacked Democratic Party

     emails as part of a pro-Trump campaign to influence November's election.

    The new Republican president -- who has raised the prospect of easing sanctions imposed

     against Russia after its annexation of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula in 2014 -- has cast doubt

     on whether Russia meddled in the election.
    In a flurry of calls that began early in the morning and rounded out an already frantically

    paced week, Trump spoke with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, German Chancellor

     Angela Merkel, Putin, Hollande and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.
    The conversations gave the US president an early opportunity to explain new policies that

    have baffled and unnerved much of the rest of the world -- particularly his order to temporarily

    halt all refugee arrivals and those of travelers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria 

    and Yemen.
    US President Donald Trump speaks on the phone with Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel from the Oval Office of the White House on January 28, 2017 in Washington, DC
    European leaders are also concerned about Trump's virulent criticism of NATO -- he has

    dubbed the transatlantic military alliance "obsolete" -- at a time when it stands as the main

    defense against Putin.
    But in his call with Merkel, Trump agreed on NATO's "fundamental importance," the White

    House said.

    "The leaders recognized that NATO must be capable of confronting 21st century threats and

    that our common defense requires appropriate investment in military capabilities to ensure all

    allies are contributing their fair share to our collective security," it added.
    The United States provides significant funding to NATO, and Trump has called on other

    member nations to step up their contributions.

    'Extreme vetting'

    Trump's pronouncement on Muslim immigration makes good on one of his most controversial

    campaign promises to subject travelers from Islamic countries to "extreme vetting," which he

    declared would make America safe from "radical Islamic terrorists."
    "It's working out very nicely. You see it at the airports, you see it all over," Trump told reporters

     after travelers from those countries were stopped from boarding US-bound planes, triggering

    angry protests.
    Protesters gather at JFK International Airport against US President Donald Trump's executive order to ban travellers from certain Muslim-majority countries on January 28, 2017 in New York
    "We're going to have a very, very strict ban and we're going to have extreme vetting which

    we should have had in this country for many years."

    Hundreds of people protested at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport, chanting 

    "Let them in, let them in!"
    The new protocols specifically bar Syrian refugees from the United States indefinitely, or until

    the president himself decides that they no longer pose a threat.

    Detentions underway

    US authorities wasted no time implementing Trump's order, detaining travelers arriving at

    American airports within hours of the measures being signed.
    Protesters gather at JFK International Airport against US President Donald Trump's executive order to ban travellers from certain Muslim-majority countries on January 28, 2017 in New York
    The New York Times reported that airport officials as early as Friday night began detaining

    travelers, some of whom were already aboard their flights when Trump announced his

    executive order.
    The order faced its first lawsuit, signaling a tough battle ahead in US courts.
    The legal challenge was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union and other advocacy

    groups after two Iraqi men were detained late Friday at JFK.

    'Greatest nation'

    One of the men, Hameed Khalid Darweesh, had worked for the US government in Iraq for 10

    "America is the greatest nation, the greatest people in the world," Darweesh said after his

    Trump's draft executive order on refugees and immgration from selected Muslim-majority countries
    Mark Doss, a supervising attorney at the International Refugee Project at the Urban Justice

     Center, said Darweesh's detention and release showed the new policy was being

    implemented "with no guidance."
    Immigration advocacy groups issued an appeal for demonstrations at JFK airport, which

    spread rapidly over social media.
    The ban has also triggered a political backlash.
    "To my colleagues: don't ever again lecture me on American moral leadership if you chose to

     be silent today," Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy, a Democrat, tweeted late Friday.
    His tweet was accompanied by the now iconic photograph of Aylan Kurdi, a three-year-old

    Syrian boy whose body was washed up on a beach in Turkey in 2015 after a failed attempt to

    flee Syria's brutal war to join relatives in Canada.
    US President Donald Trump shows his signature on executive orders alongside US Defense Secretary James Mattis and US Vice President Muike Pence on January 27, 2017, at the Pentagon
    International groups and civil liberties organizations have roundly condemned Trump's orders.
    "'Extreme vetting' is just a euphemism for discriminating against Muslims," said Anthony

    Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union.
    Romero said Trump's order breached the US constitution's ban on religious discrimination by

    choosing countries with Muslim majorities for tougher treatment.
    Many foreign leaders said they were aghast over the new US policy.
    Iran answered in kind by saying it would ban Americans from entering the country, calling

     Trump's action insulting.
    But the US leader did get backing from Czech President Milos Zeman, who praised him for

    being "concerned with the safety of his citizens."

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